Wellness Care/Checkups

Cat with doctor getting examined

Pet Care, Wellness Care, Pet Exam, Vaccinations, and Wellness Care/Check Ups from a Veterinarian in Abilene, TX

Is it time for your pets to have their next pet exam? What can you expect during this kind of visit? These routine wellness care visits are incredibly important for your pets. But you may be wondering why they’re really needed.

Do you need to find a veterinarian near you for a pet exam? Radford Hills Animal Clinic in Abilene, TX, offers these pet care services, including dental care and vaccinations. Let’s take a closer look at how our animal hospital handles these visits — and what you can expect as a pet owner!

What’s Included in My Pet’s Wellness Checkup?

Several services are part of this visit! When you bring your pet in, we do the following:

●          Conduct a physical exam to check for health issues

●          Administer vaccinations or booster shots as needed

●          Provide parasite control treatments

●          Run tests or order lab work if needed

Other services that are part of pet wellness include the following:

●          Dental exams and cleanings

●          Microchipping

●          Spaying and neutering

Why Does My Pet Need Wellness Checkups?

Your pet seems fine, so why do you need to bring them in? Cats and dogs can have health issues that aren’t obvious. Or they might have early signs of problems that our vet detects during visits. This allows us to address health concerns right away!

Did you know that you can also benefit from these visits? During wellness checkups, you can talk to our vet about your pet’s behavior, diet — or any other concerns you might have. We can offer guidance to help ensure your pet stays healthy!

When Should I Schedule a Wellness Visit?

How old is your pet? How often they need this care is based on their age and other factors, such as their overall health.

●          Puppies and kittens: Frequent checkups during their first year

●          Adult dogs and cats: Annual visits until they’re seniors

●          Senior pets: Twice a year visits

●          Pets with chronic conditions: As often as recommended 

Older pets and younger pets have higher risks of certain health problems. That’s why we recommend more frequent visits for these age groups.

Get Pet Care, Wellness Care, a Pet Exam, Vaccinations, Pet Dental Care, and Animal Hospital Services from a Veterinarian Near You at Our Animal Clinic

Looking for a veterinarian near you for pet care? Our animal hospital can help! Call (325) 672-3090 for an appointment at Radford Hills Animal Clinic in Abilene, TX. Contact us for pet care, wellness care, a pet exam, vaccinations, pet dental care, and animal hospital services from a veterinarian at our animal clinic.

Hours of Operation


7:30 am - 5:30 pm


7:30 am - 5:30 pm


7:30 am - 5:30 pm


7:30 am - 5:30 pm


7:30 am - 5:00 pm





7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:30 pm
7:30 am - 5:00 pm

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